Do you think that if you don’t give to your children all the things that they want…. They will be traumatized by you?
I know people of 43 or more years old… And they did not know Disney!!! Really!!
Also I know people who never received a gift from “Santa” and they are normal people
So… What is the problem with all the parents at this moment?
I think that they are really afraid that their children don’t find the happiness… And they don’t expend a lot of time with them…
Because they work all day outside the house, and when they come back from the work… They still working in their houses… Or they are tired and they need a Little bit of space…
Or maybe the parents want to chat with their friends, and they don’t have time for their family… They prefer look at the phone that look at their children…
Or, it’s Friday and they wants to be outside with friends and have a break from everything…
Or maybe they need to look a movie or play a video game or just sleep…
Then what happen when a holiday is coming and realize that their children wants to be happy??
Well, it is easy… They buy, and buy, and buy….
And then… Their bad feelings are gone and they don’t feel guilty anymore…
Because it seems that their children are happy again…
And yes… They are happy when they have a new toy, but this kind of happiness is empty. They enjoy the toy maybe one day, or one week, or one month… But after that, they need another one, new, the latest, one toy better thank the other one… Why? Well because the happiness is over… And they need more…
If we as a parents realize this… It will be better for everyone, for example… If we decide to have just 10 minutes every day with each of our children… Is simplest! They will be more than happy and they don’t need more than this 10 minutes!!! Really!! Just try it!!! You will be amazed!!
Or maybe if we can go out with them every weekend… They will be happy!
Or if we can dance with them, or play something, or listen their day… Or look at their eyes, and not he phone, when they are talking… That will be better that any gift that you can share with them…it is ridiculous the amount of presents that the parents are giving to their children every Christmas, birthday or wherever… Yes! Of course is nice to give them presents… But is better to have a mom and dad with them, is better not presence fights between theirs parents, is better to have the attention from dad when they are speaking…
They will grow up… And then we will not have time to recover all this time! They will be going to theirs lives… And then we will have a lit of guilt because we didn’t give the live that they really wanted.