~~Have you wondered some time…why, all of a sudden, all Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and the like are full with the same videos, phrases, advices, news, attitudes, etc?
It’s like if every one of us wanted to be as the others, go on within the same wave wherein all go…To be “IN”… If all of them post a phrase for Mother’s Day and their photo with their moms, you even feel guilty for failing to do it…If everybody takes their “selfies”, you feel odd when somebody else takes your picture… Or if everybody criticizes a president and you like him, you better shut up so that nobody will attack you…
Well!…It turns out that, sometimes, that example set by others can be good. For instance, if we see that one of our friends reads a lot, we could decide to follow his example and boost up our reading habits… If we see that a friend is quite a sportswoman, we can think that perhaps it is good to go into sports and lead a healthier life… When we see some friends treating their children very respectfully and bringing them up very successfully, we could think that a slight change of strategy would be in order…
This happens to us…Well! It turns out that it happens also to our children!… And more often!… They keep an eye on us all the time, since they wake up until they go to sleep!!.. So, look out!!… You will first have to improve yourself, so you can teach them…
How would you educate your children if you were dumb?… How would you teach them everything?… I imagine that you would have to act out almost everything… Not chewing foods with an open mouth, washing our hands before meals, etc….
The fact is that education demands coherence. This means that it is not fair to tell your kid to turn off his mobile while he is in a social gathering if you turn it on even during dinner!… And you not only turn it on… you chat and reply to calls, e-mail messages and even comments to your postings!… Do you really mean it?… Do you really believe that if you don’t reply to that call the International Congress of Emergency Matters will suffer a heart attack and the world will stop?…
Let us see!… If you really want your son to learn to be respectful and not interrupting when somebody is speaking, don’t do this yourself, even though the other person is telling a terribly boring story about the ladybug found by her little friend in her garden…
And this applies to everything. If we want our children to restrain from watching so much TV and to get out to play…Guess what?… Yes!… Time and again we also must stand up and get out to play with them, or at least read a book while we watch them playing…
Would you like your kids to pick up their clothes, be orderly and leave everything they use in its place?… How can we manage?… I think you already guessed!…
You want your kid to avoid eating between meals…to greet people upon arrival… to avoid criticizing others… to have good manners… to avoid cursing… to avoid watching TV shows that might be harmful… You know… The list is infinite…
What is awesome about educating with example is that, first, children learn much faster and retain it forever and, second, we end up becoming better persons. Just imagine… all education given by our parents plus all the help received from our kids to improve ourselves!…
This is not my theory!… We have seen that this is the most common… People follow examples…Take a look at Facebook if you don’t believe me…So, we better be a good example for our children.
It is hard at the beginning. But once you get started, nobody can stop you…And it’s worthwhile… It’s awfully worthwhile!…