Really? So… you are perfect.. you never have bad moments, you never criticize, you are always happy… you are perfect… I’m really exhausted by these messages… “Stay away from toxic people” let them alone… let them suffer their pains and troubles alone.. you live your life, and forget about their problems… live with your positive energy and let them sink in their negative energy…
In my opinion… this is totally selfish.. sometimes we struggle with different problems.. so, why we can’t help other people who also are struggling with bad moments… because they can hurt us? because they can spread their evil thoughts with us?
Yes, sometimes there are people to hurt us so much that we need to run away to stay safe, physical and emotional. But make no mistake … most of the time we could be there and help them… why we don’t be sure that we also can spread a good attitude, the non-toxic attitude.
It is supposed that we live now in an inclusive society, tolerant, with diversity, pluralism, equality… but I think that this is not the real attitude of the society right now, because I hear more criticize to religion, to politics, to people who don’t think like us.
So… don’t hide behind these empty words trying to convince other people, that we are inclusive and tolerant and more, but in the other side we run away, avoid this kind of people who is toxic for us… And the reality is that we are raising our children in this new tolerance culture, in which we just tolerate the kind of people who is nice to us.