The Pilar of the matrimony is the union between the spouses. Every moment from the beginning of the marriage is a step forward or backward in the growing of communication, love, respect and most of all the admiration of each other.

We are not just souls, we also are humans with senses, ears, mouth, eyes. The love between spouses is both, spiritual and physical. And as we know each of the spouses needs to work constantly to maintain this love and attraction alive.

How we can maintain this love alive? With many things, many ideas, but in this article, I just like to write about one: Physical attraction. It is sad, how some marriages after they get married, or after they have their first child, they lost any interest to be attractive to their spouse. Women wear the same clothes every day, they stop combing their hair, they stop wearing makeup, uses old pajamas, wear old fashion clothes or uses clothes that are not adequate for them. Men started eating more than ever, they don’t do exercise anymore, they are not interested in taking care of their physical. They throw off themselves.

But one day, if they decide to split, women and men start to take caring of themselves again! Women went to the salon! they have a new haircut, new clothes! new life! And men… the same! they wear better clothes, they go to the gym, started a new diet and they have more interest to be attractive.

So… why not before? why do we think that after we get married we don’t need to be attractive anymore?

Just an advice…