The Family Cycle.
Sometimes we have questions about our family, it is not easy to have a “normal” family, without complications, crisis, difficulties, clashes, economic crisis, sickness, etcetera.
Families have more positive moments than negatives, but sometimes we don’t know how to find those moments… we need to learn how to change our attitude and focus our thoughts in the good behaviour and good things.
We are humans, and we also have questions about our life, our goals, our past and our future, we as an adults, have struggles about our own life, we also have crisis, we also are rebels, and we also need help to find the answers to our questions. Occasionally we can resolve all this questions, but sometimes not, and we need to be careful, because one little problem can be serious if we don’t resolve it in the precise moment.
So, in FamilyStuff we know that all we need help to resolve this kind of “little” problems…
1. Why my son can’t focus in the school?
2. How can I help my daughter to be more responsible?
3. Sometimes my child is very aggressive with his friends.
4. Mi little girl is very shy, how can I help her?
5. My authority is deficient, nobody listen to me.
6. How can I help to my daughter to be more generous with her sister?
7. What strategies can I use to help my son to be more responsible?
8. I don’t know how can I understand better to my husband?
9. Sometimes my mother-in-law is very kind, but sometimes
10. My husband don’t support me when I said something to the kids And the list can extend to the infinite, the thing is that all this normal problems can be resolve, with a good advice and a positive attitude.